Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Where the energy 15 or so years ago was geared toward taking defined steps toward our goals in a structured order, right now the energy has become more of a flow.

This means that say 15 years ago we could plan with our goal in mind to take steps ‘A’ through ‘Z’ knowing where each step would bring us pretty much in advance ~ this is in the energy of today not the case anymore. The best we can do today is to direct the flow of events in the direction of our goal, and then enjoy riding the wave...

While 15 years seems a long time; it is not when we consider that we have learned to set our goals, plan the steps to take and then taking those steps ~ even when we had to push sometimes to make it happen ~ in a structured manner for hundreds of years. It has become an ingrained pattern through which we have come to reach our goals. This is the structure, the framework we should follow to make things happen.
Yet with all the changes going on in the earth, in the Universe ~ and therefore in the energies around us ~ the old, structured way of accomplishing our goals doesn’t seem to work quite as well as we had come to expect over past centuries. As it turns out, while there are still steps to take to get us to our goals ~ it has become increasingly hard to see the sequence of those steps ahead of time. Often the best we can do is to take a step in the direction of our goals, and then see where it is taking us. Based on that, we can define our next step toward our goals...

The more we loose the structure of the old age, the more there is a flow of energy. And each step we take toward our goals curbs that flow into the direction we desire to move into.
Sometimes this will lead us into ‘rapids’ which allow us to reach our goals faster and more effortless than we could have ever suspected. Other times the flow of life itself may carry us in a different direction entirely. This is not to say that we won’t reach our goals, but more that it will take a little longer; that we perhaps need to be a bit more patient.

Where in the past we could set the steps we were going to take in motion to then sit back until we had reached step ‘Z’. As long as we would keep the energy moving, this more often than not worked great.
In this point in time getting to where we want to go has become a little easier from the perspective that once we have given direction to the flow we can ride the wave ~ yet we had better stay on top of it!

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